
The ISL Guide was built to streamline guidance for livestock projects to move investments towards greater sustainability. Covering environment and animal health, it has been designed around a series of principles and contexts (the Theory Behind the Guide), as well as objectives, interventions, and their accompanying activities. These components were defined after an extensive review and development process.

Using the interactive component

The interactive component of the guide can be used for projects either in preparation or implementation. As a user, you will be asked to make a short sequence of selections that will generate guidance and indicators that are relevant to your project.

The selections will involve choosing some combination of the relevant project:

  • Context, or production systems, see Theory Behind the Guide.

    Objective. The guide offers 5 typical livestock sector development objectives

    Intervention. The guide offers 21 typical interventions that are organized by objective.

Table 1: Objectives and Interventions

Table 1: Objectives and Interventions

After selections are made, the guide offers streamlined guidance for your project that includes:

  • Activities. Once an intervention is chosen, the guide lists a set of typical activities implemented under that intervention.

    Guidance. Tailored guidance covering animal health and environmental sustainability is offered for your project.

    Relevant Indicators. Indicators complementing the tailored guidance are offered for the project results framework.

User types

There are two versions of the interactive component of the guide, each designed for a specific users. The below descriptions will help you decide which kind of user you are.

Project in Preparation. You are designing your project and looking for ways to improve its sustainability.

Your selections include:

Table 2: Project in Preparation

Table 2: Project in Preparation

  • ✓ You are given a set of activities commonly implemented under your selected intervention, tailored guidance, and relevant indicators.

Project in Implementation. You already have designed your project and are in the process of implementing specific interventions. You are now seeking guidance to improve the sustainability of project activities.

Table 3: Project in Implementation

Table 3: Project in Implementation

  • ✓ You are given a set of activities commonly implemented under your selected intervention, tailored guidance, and relevant indicators